General Rules h3>
1. The cost of services is determined by providers providing services in placing text materials on the sites. System commission is 5% of the value of options , 10% Package SEO- services , 5% for SMM- package, 5 % for packet traffic . The administration reserves the right to decrease or increase the size of the commission by publishing the relevant announcement in the news system at least 2 weeks before the date of entry into force of the new value .
2 . Billing is carried out daily, writing off the previous day can be seen in a private office user .
3 . Discount to the advertiser recognized at the time of write-downs and write-offs to reduce the amount of the reduction .
4 . Customer support provided by support services (applications are accepted by multichannel phone +7 ( 495) 777-34-90 , as well as through web interface . Answer to any attempt by the user ( except in cases requiring additional development by service ) is formed within 24 hours .
5 . Retention in the system is one calendar month (except history of the movement of funds on the balance of the user , which is stored , and then backed up over the past years in a separate database , which is accessed by a support request ).
Advertiser h3>
1. It is forbidden to promote sites that contradict the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. We reserve the right to refuse to work certain sites if they violate public morality sites and adopted laws in the territory , which covers the site .
2 . Encouraged to attend the service and your account at least 1 time per month. For more infrequent visits user access to your account may be blocked .
3 . Attempting to use a hole in the system without notice administration punished by blocking the account and all accumulated funds in your account .
4 . The advertiser chooses for itself a form of payment and assumes all risks associated with the use of the payment system and tax costs . Commission payment systems paid by the user. If necessary, the user accesses the Service Support , where he contribute in solving the problems with payment .
Affiliate Program h3>
1. Attempting to use a hole in the system without notice administration punished by blocking the account and all accumulated funds in your account .
2 . Prohibited artificial cheat affiliate program , as well as visits to several accounts from one IP punishable shutdown affiliate program .
3 . Use referral links to deliver messages to users , did not wish to receive such links (spam ).
4 . Partnership means can output via the websites of our partners. Inside SeoHammer partnerships accumulation can only be spent on the acquisition of additional packages SeoHammer.
Conflict Resolution h3>
1. Users of the service agree among themselves in a case of conflict sitautsii .
2 . If you can not agree among themselves users call the service administration that takes the responsibility to make decisions on conflict situations in favor of a user , given the history of each member and guided by sound logic .
3 . The administration reserves the right to refuse service to the user with the payment of the balance of the current balance , and in the case of violations of the rules of service without a refund .
4 . In all other cases, each party may apply to the police and judicial authorities of the Russian Federation .
Payment Systems h3>
1. The user decides to use one of the offered payment systems .
2 . All questions and complaints about receiving WebMoney site may be directed to the details described in claim 1 wmid ( internal mail WebMoney), as well as email support at
3 . All questions and complaints on work other payment systems are accepted by email support at
4 . Commission payment systems and is payable by the user : for WebMoney 0.8%, for Yandex - 0.5% for QIWI - 0 %, for other payment systems - in accordance with the current rates. Other ( hidden or extra ) commission is charged .
5 . Remuneration system for replenishment by wire transfer is 2.5 %. Terms and conditions described by bank transfer in your account , see Add Users balance -> Non-cash payment.
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